Support Us
Your Support Fuels Us
We aim to produce five or more Unforgettable Live Theater productions every year. In order to do so, we needs your support, as our ticket prices generally do not cover the extensive costs of producing quality theater. We rely on your generosity.
- Simply write, and mail Us a CHECK to Emerson Theater Collaborative. (Emerson Theater Collaborative, 25 Long Shadows Ct., Sedona, Arizona 86351)
- Click on the Donate Button
- Donate via your Amazon Shopping Online Orders (Click the yellow “Go to” button and follow the directions to select ETC)
- Qualified Charitable Distribution (Direct a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to ETC’s fidelity account: Fidelity Routing Number – 101205681 & Account Number – 39900000750881678)
Your donation is tax deductible. Please contact your financial institution/financial advisor to explore the benefits of this type of donation.

On behalf of the entire Emerson Theater Collaborative family, we wish to thank you for your continued support!